Wednesday, July 21, 2010

beloved thumbs

i'll admit it. i sucked my thumb. likely past the point of it being acceptable, but i loved loved loved it. my father used to ask me what flavor is that one? chocolate? and likely if you ask an ex-thumb sucker, he or she will have had their favorite, preferred thumb. for the record, mine was the right thumb. and no, it didn't taste like chocolate. it tasted like comfort.

so i guess it's only natural that one of my babies would pick up the habit: dylan.

the thumb sucking comes as a relief to me because this little girl has been known to nurse in the evenings for up to two hours. and obviously, only the first 15 minutes or so she's actually eating, the rest of the time she is pacifying herself. i can try to pull her off, but then she wakes to rapidly start "eating" again. but now that she's found her thumb - wow, i never knew something could make her so happy, content and fall asleep within seconds.

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