Tuesday, April 3, 2012

sunrise with dyl, "breakfast" and the beach - day 9

another early wake up with my daughter.  one of our last days, for a while, to run about the green grass.  i realize spring is right around the corner for us, but when there's still feet upon feet of the white stuff - everywhere - it's hard to grasp that it will eventually melt.  

so i was relishing these mornings.  every day, my funny and sweet daughter makes me fall deeper and deeper in love with her.  i love her personality, that i can do it myself attitude.  but oh, she's a little lover too.  she wants her freedom, but don't go too far.  she wants up, only to be let down, and then when you put her down, she'll just wanna swing and dangle between your legs.  you know, the limp noodle bit?  rag doll?  whatever you wanna call it.  she's all over that.  and one of the cutest things is her singing.  i know there's numerous pictures of her sucking her thumb, but anymore these days, if she's not sucking, she's singing.  and bobbing her head to her own beat.

i can hardly believe she's TWO this week.  doesn't seem possible.      


see?  see?

toes over sandals just like her grandma pat.

sneaking quietly inside, dylan and i discovered dada and jackie awake, eating donuts, in bed, watching winnie the pooh on the kindle.  {swoon.  i do so love my husband.}  oh and, krispy kreme donuts to be more specific.  i do hope you have had the pleasure of eating these fat bombs of delicious air.  i will not say how many kk donuts were consumed by this mama.  i will not.  dylan quickly got in on the action, too. 

before we left for the beach, the kids wanted to say
to auntie alice, great grandma and nana.
we loved being neighbors!
i wish you could see that they were holding hands.

oh, look!  we're back at the beach...
auntie connie & dyl, gramma and auntie margie


           beach babes!

look who else we found?  
aunt jeanette!

benji and pops went for a snorkel.
(ben would like to clarify that he's not self-conscious of his body, just really badly sunburned...)
papa frank's treasure from the sea floor

we're so partial to our polo beach, but we really should try new ones...  
how gorgeous is this view?!
 kama'ole beach park 3

one more day...


  1. Ahhh I JUST ADORE the pictures of Dylan in the morning on the beach. Her profile set on the Ocean backdroup is just TOOOO precious!!! I so wish we lived closer. The way you described Dilly is the same way I feel about Marlee girl. I just can't get enough of her these days. I think it's the Momma in me realizing that my last baby is not so much of a baby anymore. I desperately want to go pick her up from her crib right now and snuggle her....I won't....well, I might.... :)

  2. you sound like ben! he is always threatening to grab a kid from their bed and snuggle them at night! ahaha! thank you, again! i so cherish these pictures! (and i hope they will one day too!) i wish we lived closer too, for sure. it would be so fun to raise our girls together and have play dates. miss you!
