Thursday, July 4, 2013

"no, you're playing outside today!"

that was said by yours truly after jackie came to me one morning.  eyes filled with tears.  wanting to pop in a movie and stay in his jammies.  BUT.  the sun was shining.  the sky was the brightest of blues with not a cloud in sight.  we may have been on day 15 or so of this sort of odd alaskan summer weather.  


we had played in the sprinkler and wore swimsuits more than t-shirts and undies.  our faces were sun-kissed, and we were talking 2 a-day baths because of our large usage of sunscreen and bug dope.  our diets were consisting of watermelon, otter pops, corn on the cob and lemonade.  summertime in the a-k has been serious this year - hence my lack of blog posts and messy home!  but, i will take dust build up and overflowing laundry to play outside in the midnight sun!  we are truly being spoiled this year, and i'm not at all feeling bad about enjoying every last second!

the girl loves picking flowers for gramma and me.  there isn't a time i've returned home from errands that she hasn't greeted me with a sweaty fistful of dandelions.  i know they're just a weed, but she could bring me fistfuls of trash, and i'd still think she was sweet as sugar.  and, she always insists i tuck them behind my ear.  

our island of trees is the perfect grounds for finding treasures.  new flower buds bursting with color, an array of poky and slimy insects, heaping piles of moose poo.  every little human's delight.  while our sidewalk isn't ideal for chalk, our deck is.  (much to dada's dismay.)

the kids have gone through (are going through) times where they don't want their picture taken.  lately, jack has wanted to be the one behind the camera - fun!  you'll notice my budding photog's skills below...

 my girls.
 three year old + crooked helmet + bag-o-cotton candy + scooter = the perfect storm
gosh, i adore her.
 we'll be hearing about this in a few years... 
how come there's only 4 handprints?
 oh, yes.  it's happening.  
as if jb on two legs wasn't crazy enough.
 who needs a swimsuit?

i hope we have many, many more weeks of sunshine to come!