Sunday, January 10, 2010


jackie's down for a snooze, ben is bustling somewhere around wasilla, and i have my feet up with beanie snuggling close. a mug of hot chocolate is just to my side and the hum of the house for comfort. this is what sundays are all about; a little quiet and relaxation.

we've had a productive morning in baby girl's room. ben replaced one of the mirrored closet doors. when we first moved in, one was already cracked in the bottom corner. at the time, we ordered a replacement, but it's been in the garage ever since. so nice to finally get that up. ben also hung the three shelves that he had been staining this past week. one of them is a quilt rack that i will likely hang something homemade and the others we found at joann fabrics. the one has two pegs and a heart cut out in the middle, super-cute and girly. i'll get some pictures up once the shelves are useful and have cutesy items to display. it's starting to look like a girl's room!

ben snapped some pictures of me last night. i'm 30 weeks. can't even believe how fast it's gone! ten weeks to go; that's practically the home stretch!

tuesday is the start of our childbirth classes. i will be delivering at the midwifery in town and since i did not deliver there the first time, we are treated as new clients/new parents so the classes are required. they go over all the basics; nutrition, caring for infant, the birth, etc. i guess a review is always helpful, and it gives ben a chance to be a little more comfortable and familiar with not being in a hospital setting. the birth center has three rooms to choose from. it will be interesting which one ben prefers; i already have my eye on one.

more updates and pictures to come this week. i'll have the curtain done soon which will really pull a lot of things together in the room. looking forward to its completion!

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