Tuesday, May 22, 2012

mama day, part 2

after our walk, we trekked into anchorage to feast with the fam.  the moores sure know how to put out a spread!  after we all fueled up, the kids took to the yard.  jackie jumped on the trampoline, and dylan played with the pooches (and tried to steer clear of the {serious} croquet game!)

again, i hope you all hugged your momma, picked up the phone, mailed a card, sent a text (no, please do more!), picked flowers, smooched a cheek, spent some time -  something - to let your momma know how much you love her!  being a mother is one of the most thankless jobs ever and you have no idea how much we appreciate the teeniest of tiny sentiments or actions.  fo reals.

God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers.  Jewish Proverb

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