Wednesday, April 6, 2011

just can't believe it.

it's the biggest cliche: it goes so fast, too fast.  but sadly, IT DOES.  i found myself in a situation this afternoon that made me shake my head in amazement.  while nursing dylan, jack leaped off the sofa into the coffee table, smacking his head pretty nicely.  while doing the whole silent-hold-his-breath cry, he slowly ambled over to me, and i leaned forward (with d still latched) and cradled him in my other arm.  how did i get here?!

i had my moments of freak out just before dylan was born - how am i going to do it?  how do you juggle two babes at the same time?  will i grow that third arm i've been praying for?  and you know what?  you just manage.  you just DO.  (i'm still waiting for that prayer to be answered...)

dylan june is one today.  ONE.  just like that, a year has passed.  in many ways, i'm thankful to be through that first year.  but in the my-baby-is-never-gonna-be-that-teeny-tiny-again way, i feel a little weepy.  boo.  babies.  there's just something about them that is so addicting, so yummy-delicious, i want another one.  right.  now.  i digress.

reason #1 to be thankful that a year has passed:  mr. jack has turned that corner, (again, and again) and he now seems to be pretty content with his skinny self.  his meltdowns are fewer, his conversation is up and his brain is open to everything!  he loves his sister, is working on his sharing, and he gets these looks out of her that neither ben or i can.  dylan just admires him.  i tell you what, the joy that comes from seeing these two interact, bond and giggle at each other, unparalleled.  

quick recap of april 5, 2010:  i had labored all day with contractions 5-7 minutes apart so it was fairly easy to tell myself that i wasn't in labor (since this had been my story for the last 32 days!)  after 4 pm, my memory of time and contractions are sort of a blur.  i just remember ben flying through the door, grabbing me by the arm and getting me into the truck at 5:24 (my eyes were closed, i was focusing on a contraction and trying to time the length - that one was 2 minutes from the last - but i did manage to ask him what TIME is it?!)  we live at least 15 minutes from the midwifery, i had a nice, big contraction as we were walking through the door, my water broke maybe 10 minutes later, and dylan entered our lives at 6:48 pm.  i may have suffered for over a month with "false labor," but i just cannot feel comfortable calling it that!  dylan knew what she was doing, and while it seemed to happen in a flash, she had been preparing for a l-o-n-g time.  we brought dylan home after 4.5 hours at the birth center.  what a relief to be in your own bed after a feat like giving birth.  now here i sit, in the same spot i used to nurse her into the wee hours, and she's walking around in front of me.  life is but a dream!

seconds old, singing her song
 my big, strong husband, shedding tears for his daughter

 she's here.  life is as it should be.

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