Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the night before easter

this was more of an easter weekend in our household.  friday night, we let the kids open their easter goodies that had arrived from their grandparents.  gramma d & mark sent a package full of candy (which will likely be consumed in secrecy by yours truly), books and dvds and the ever-popular stickers.  the flanagan's sent a fiver to each child that jack excitedly deposited into their piggy banks.  and, great granddad and grandma shirley sent cards, as seen below.  thank you, kind family!
 opening easter cards from grandparents
 stickers in a card?  bonus.
 babies playing together is THE best.
 beautiful girl

it's incredible the difference a year can make.  last year, jack really was not into the egg dyeing process.  it was more of a hassle keeping his tiny fingers out of the dye than actual fun being had.  but this year?  totally into it.  jackie loved the red dye, and if it had been up to him, all our eggs would have been single colored.  with lots of sprinkles.  ben and i took turns with the small white crayon and the task of turning the eggs so as to have full color coverage.  while i enjoy all aspects of preparing and decorating, i do not consume; that's benji's job.  however, with him gone the day after easter, i was left with a colorful, stinky refrigerator.  it's a crack up (no pun intended) the things we do out of tradition, rather than necessity.  to me, it's a huge waste of poultry, but to jackie, it was an evening full of smiles and fun times.  and really, the list is never ending when it comes to making your babes smile.  

dylan the spectator
stickers look better on noses

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