Monday, August 8, 2011

butte hike with some of my favorite people

nearly the last day of july, we found ourselves hiking the butte.  while we were psyched to have missed the rain, we were also hoping for the sky to spill some sunshine.  our hope wasn't granted, and thankfully so - it was muggy!  madisyn and jack made us adults laugh and put all of us to shame; they practically climbed it twice with all their running ahead and then running back to us.  oh, how i remember doing that at flattop.  thinking those parent's of ours were so slooow.  now, i get it.  gaige was a trouper, but the hike is still a lot for his little legs.  dylan, she'll get her's next spring.  and us big girls, well, let's just say that one of these times, it'd be super-fun to go sans-kiddos!  i can't even imagine...

my dear friend, brooke came along, despite needing to catch a flight outta ak later that day.  i was so glad to get one last visit in before she headed back to her new home, the emerald city.  i miss her every time she leaves, but one of these days, we'll get down to seattle for a long weekend of new eats, a concert or a sporting event or maybe some shopping or... whatever.  i have enough friends (and family) in seattle to make it quite enjoyable.
    group shot #1
(thank you kind lady!)
 super-fab group shot #2
(dylan is hysterical)
the over-the-shoulder shot
had to catch the munching in my ear
 here you see that she was in fact clean when we arrived at the top
 fists of dirt

 and it just goes down hill from here.  

 and by the look on his face, this was a complete accident.  
 mama, i NEED wipe!


 but so carefree.

 and so happy.

 love my little dirtball.
 and i love mimi's 'tude!
 duey trying to hang with the big kids

 i can't believe how grown up this threesome is.

 how special is she to put up with our chaos?!

 by this point, we had all lost track of dylan's fall count.
well over ten...

 55+ pounds of children
a few hours later...

ALL clean again! 

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