Thursday, June 21, 2012

what happened in two weeks.

we got beams!
get excited.
 well, jack's excited.

looking a little like something.
hello, garage doors.

the pictures below are of the back of the shop, looking at ben's future mezzanine.  here, he will be able to drive a snowmachine or a four-wheeler (or likely, both) onto it, from the back garage door.  (as seen in the bottom left picture.)  but, with all the framing,  it's kinda hard to tell, huh?  there will be a second man door at the top of those stairs, and the framed in area (bottom right picture) will be the bath/utility room.  his work bench will be under the mezzanine.  there's additional storage under the stairs, but this will likely be jack's area since i can't keep him out from under there!  ben and the carpenter, ben, will likely be sheeting (plywood) this weekend, with trusses to follow next week.

jb and i walked across the street to our neighbor's house for, like, 20 minutes.  when we came back out, the beams were in place!  we missed the best part!  but oh, look how puuuurdy.  

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