Wednesday, March 23, 2011

interesting way to spend a tuesday

normally, my tuesdays are relaxing: jb goes to school at 9, d and i stay in our jammies, i upload pictures, or blog, catch up on bills, whatevs, while she roams around the house, not worrying about where her next knock down will take place.  jack is at school for 3 hours and 45 minutes and during that time, us girls just eat up the serenity of the house.  she usually takes a long 2-3 hour nap and some times, i do too!  but not this tuesday.  no where near it.  

poor mister bubba.  he's never been this sick.  as a stay-at-home, breastfed babe, the kid just did not get sick as a baby.  even going to school now, he's only there 2 days a week causing him a sniffle here and there.  early tuesday morning, he woke up frantically crying.  sobbing.  i pulled him from his bed and his limp little body was steamy.  jammies soaked, sweat on the back of his neck.  poor little dude.  he calms down enough to tell me he has to potty and wouldn't you know, the kid was dry from 8:30 until 3:30 - way to go, bubs!  he goes potty, i potty, "wash hands now, mama?" and then i check his temperature... 102.2  the only time i want to see a number like that is on my radio dial.  for reals.  he swallowed a dose of medicine, and after i kicked ben out of our bed, he was snoozing like his father.

after waiting all day to get into the doctor, we finally get squeezed in just after two (oh, perfect.  right at nap time...)  but i'm thankful.  very, very thankful.  i tell our sweet doctor that jackie started coughing on saturday night, had a low fever on sunday, remained on monday along with the cough, but on tuesday morning, it had spiked.  doc checks him over, wants to get an x-ray of his chest, just to be on the safe side.  he mentions pneumonia, chlamydia...  i'm thinking, ah, dude, there's no way my son's sexually active.  promise.  but, he's the doctor so i nod along like i know what he means.  

have you ever had to take your toddler to get x-rays?  let me tell you what it's not: a breeze, easy, "quick and painless" - none of the ways you would describe it to, say, your friend who's never had one done.  it's scary and intimidating.  it's loud and hysterical to a 3.5 year old.  especially when you're sick.  so asking jack to stand still?  not happening.  asking him to wear the funny little belt (but, jackie!  it has polka-dot doggies on it?!) not happening!  trying to reason with him?  um yeah, annie, he's three.  so option number two, this barbaric contraption - clear plastic, torso shaped, straight jacket.  

i had to google and find this horrific invention.

as i slid him down into it, and we were wrestling to close it on him, i felt droplets of sweat drip down my back.  no, i did not have a fever.  at this point, dylan got crazed, she was behind the cement wall, alone, panicked and desiring attention other than hearing her brother's wail.  finally, we got him in, but dammit, he was too tall.  obviously, the screaming got to someone because this sweet grandma-type comes through the door with the no sh_t comment of the day: ya'll ladies need some help?  bottom line, we got it done.  jackie got a sticker, and then told me pictures were fun, yes mama?  oh, sweet boy...  

then, back to the doctor with pictures of my son's beautiful bones in my hand.  our doctor said no to pneumonia, but that the radiologist would view them and call if he noticed anything... good thing my doctor is not a radiologist because mister jack does have pneumonia.  breaks my heart.  i guess the one good thing out of this is the glorious antibiotic.  i hate having to wait out a cold, watching them suffer and be miserable.  jack slept through the night last night after having a double dose of the yummy pink stuff.  and, before bed tonight, his fever was 100.2 - improvement is what we're looking for, right?  i pray he has sweet dreams.

woke up, ready to play, trucks all lined up!
 managed to play a little more this afternoon (wednesday)
...but only for a little bit
 mooseys (calf) in our front yard

but wait, there's more!  dilly took her first big steps last night!  while jack was posted up in bed watching a new mickey movie, ben and i and dil were out in the living room.  she was standing up, holding onto ben with one hand, her dolly in the other, and as i just extended my hands to her, she reached out and took 6 steps, like, she had been doing it all day!  then she plopped down.  so the excited parents tried again.  8 steps.  and again!  4 steps.  and then, she was just pissed that no one wanted to hold her, we just kept standing her away from us - how rude!
 love this shot.  she looks so big.  
funny face!


  1. Oh Annie! I am so sorry you guys had to go through all that. The xray techs should have realized that you just don't put a 3.5 year old in a pigg-o-stat! As an xray tech myself, that awful looking contraption becomes your best friend when trying to get diagnostic chest xrays on babies or little toddlers. We actually want them to cry so that we can get a good shot of their lungs filled with air, since you can't tell a baby to "take in a deep breath and hold it". Getting good images on older toddlers is another story! Anyway, I completely know how you feel. Grant had to have a chest xray when he was around 18 months and we put him in the pigg-o-stat and even though I had done that with other peoples kids more times than I can count, it's definitely different when it's your own child. Grant ended up with the beginning of a pneumonia and was back to normal in 2 days. I'm sorry your first experience with xrays was awful, but it's rare you have a good first experience when it come to your child needing them. Anyway, sorry for the long comment. I hope Jack is feeling better today! Take care :)

  2. Forgot to say "YAY" for Dilly taking her first steps!!!!! So exciting!

  3. Uhh, glad you looked up a picture. I have tried to explain that awful contraption to so many people. That's what Marlee had done when she was diagnosed with Pneumonia last month. Effective? Yes! Horrible to watch? YES!!!! Poor little Jackie! I hope he feels better soon!

    WOWZERS on Bob!!! Way to go Dilly!!! I so want Marlee to start walking now. I love those first drunken teetering steps :)
